Penis Pumps

Bathmate Hydroxtreme & Hydromax Review (2 month tests)

Bathmate Hydromax review

It seems no matter how big one’s penis is… one will always want more. Does the Bathmate work? I’ve been testing all of Bathmate’s pumps to find out. When I first wrote my Hydromax review, I never imagined also going on to write reviews of the Hydroxtreme 7 and Hydro 7 penis pumps.

In case your coming here from search results, I will say again that I only recommend penis pumps for novelty. When I initially wrote about them, I was experimenting with them to see if they brought size changes. I have concluded that they do but also that they pose risks when used in that way. Use any penis pump with caution and I DO NOT recommend using them on a perpetual basis. For more, read the downsides of penis pumps.

For every pump I did a 2 month test to see how much my penis size changed. I include several criticisms of the Bathmate pumps in this article yet you can think of this as a guide. If you’re researching Bathmate Hydro pumps, this article has pretty much everything you need to know. My Bathmate Hydromax review (below) and gains diary is very detailed (it was the first I reviewed). The tests I did with the Hydroxtreme and Hydro are also very thorough.

It’s difficult to find honest Bathmate reviews online, so rest assured that these reviews outline both the good and the bad. I am a professional sex toy reviewer and hold myself to the highest standards. I give a grade to each Bathmate pump and none of them are ‘perfect’ as you will discover. While doing the Hydroxtreme and Hydromax reviews, I even had concerns about the high pressure levels. Anyway, read on to discover my findings!

Another quick note, I’ve also reviewed the Penomet pump, which is Bathmate’s closest competitor. Overall I prefer the Hydromax and Hydroxtreme from Bathmate, however the Penomet pump certainly has its audience as it has interchangeable gaiters. You can read my review of the Penomet here.

This page contains affiliate links. If you use them when buying your Bathmate, we will get a small commission, which really helps us maintain our website. Affiliation like this is the only way we make money and we want to continue providing great content so appreciate your support! 🙂

Which Bathmate pumps this review covers

This review page considers each Bathmate pump in the order that I tested them (rather than from least to most powerful).

The Bathmate reviews you’ll find here are (click to skip to them):

The scores I gave each pump

None of the Bathmate pumps got full marks because none of them are perfect (I’ll get to that later). The Hydro is the weakest and cheapest pump. The Hydromax review went fairly well and the Hydroxtreme did very well.

My most critical point for all pumps is that they don’t have pressure gauges (no water pumps do yet).

Bathmate Hydromax review score: 7.5/10See full review

Bathmate Hydroxtreme review score: 9/10See full review

Bathmate Hydro review score: 6.5/10See full review

See pump prices here – You get 15% off your first order if you sign up to this shop’s newsletter 😉

As well as the pumps, I also consider the following Bathmate products on this page:

  • Bathmate Hydrovibe – See full review
  • Bathmate’s Ruler
  • Max Out / Jelq Fluid
  • Cleaning spray, Lube etc

General critique of Bathmate pumps (concerns every pump)

This section of the review contains several criticisms and compliments I have of Bathmate’s Hydromax, Hydroxtreme and Hydro. Most of my comments here concern every one of Bathmate’s 3 pumps. So this is a useful section for you to read regardless of which of Bathmate’s penis pumps you are interested in buying.

Most of the comments here first appeared during my original Hydromax review. Yet upon inspecting other Bathmate pumps (the Hydroxtreme and Hydro) I found that they are all affected by these same things.

If you prefer to skip to the specific pump you are interested in, use the links below.

The size feels right (Hydromax & Hydroxtreme)

bathmate hydro hydromax hydroxtreme sizes

Bathmate’s Hydro comes in only one size (suitable for 5 – 7 inch penises). However the Hydromax and Hydroxtreme come in many different sizes.

You have to consider your current size and buy the corresponding penis pump. Before doing my first Hydromax review several years ago, I didn’t really think too much of this. I thought it was more a disadvantage than advantage. After all… why buy a penis pump that is exactly the right size when there are rivals who make big one-size-fits-all pumps?

However upon using the Bathmate pumps, I can tell you it feels nicer to have penis pumps that are the correct size. Firstly, a penis will ‘look’ bigger inside a smaller pump than a larger one. Secondly for me, the smaller size of the pump feels more manageable than bigger pumps I’ve tried. Thirdly, I found it easier to see progress with the Bathmate because it’s easier to see small changes in a pump this size than in a huge pump.

For more info on Bathmate pump sizes and how to measure your penis, see below (or click to jump to that part).

bathmate vs penomet
Bathmate vs a different brand’s pump

If you click the image above you’ll see how the Bathmate 7 pumps compare to the size of another brand’s hydro pump (a one size fits all competitor of Bathmate). The other brand is good but psychologically it feels better to look at your penis in a correctly sized Bathmate. Bathmate also claim that the sizing makes the pump more efficient.

You need to shave to use bathmate
You need to shave around your Penis to use Bathmate penis pumps

You have to shave around your penis in order for Bathmate penis pumps to seal against your skin. I had to shave my pubic area completely to get a good enough seal. In the Bath it’s possible to get away with slight ‘stubble’ but in the shower that isn’t possible. This is neither praise nor criticism but depending on who you are, it might matter to you.

Now I’m used to the shaved look and actually don’t mind. It’s easier for my partner to go down on me when I don’t have pubic hair. My penis also looks bigger because it isn’t partially covered by hair. To be honest though, I wasn’t initially happy about it when I first did my Hydromax review!

You can find some air pumps that you don’t need to shave for. I don’t recommend them though because they are usually not made out of body safe materials. That’s because in order not to shave, you need a very soft and flexible rubber-like material. That kind of material is almost always made of jelly, a toxic material that is common in cheap sex toys. All Bathmate products are made of body safe plastics and silicone so you don’t need to worry with them.

Check out Bathmate’s Grooming Kit

The optional comfort pads could be improved

bathmate vs penomet gaiters
Bathmate vs other pump’s gaiter

The comfort pads are the grey things you see at the bottom of the two middle pumps above. These pumps seal very well without comfort pads.

For me the comfort pad makes it difficult to seal the Bathmate Hydromax against my skin, even when I am completely shaved. I did get the device to seal a few times, however it fails so much with the comfort pad on that I prefer to avoid the frustration and not waste time. It was one of the biggest disadvantages for me during my Hydromax review. I feel kind of the same about the Hydroxtreme.

Bathmate HydroXtreme Penis Pump Comfort Pad
Comfort pad of Bathmate’s Hydroxtreme

The comfort pad on the Hydroxtreme works a little better but it still makes the pump a bit more awkward to use. Therefore I mostly avoid the Hydroxtreme comfort pad.

One way around this as a reader kindly pointed out in a comment to my old Hydromax review article, is to use Vaseline. Using Vaseline indeed works well. However this obviously means more cleanup time and the use of Vaseline is not recommended by Bathmate.

bathmate hydro 7 comfort pad
Foam comfort pad of the cheapest Bathmate model

The comfort pad on the Bathmate Hydro is completely different and is made of foam, a perishable material. So the disadvantage there is that you’d need to replace it every 6 – 12 months, depending on use. One advantage of the foam is that it is less in the way and allows for more stubble during use. They also aren’t that expensive to buy.

There isn’t a comfort pad available for the Penomet pump. A slight disadvantage for it there.

The Bathmate shower strap could be better

I have tried two of Bathmate’s shower straps. The first one that I tried (during my Hydromax review) wasn’t very comfortable or useful. The more updated one (released in 2020) is significantly better. It fits around the end of all three Bathmate pumps and can be worn in the shower to free up your hands.

Bathmate Shower Strap Ruler

Yet I still think Bathmate could improve their shower strap. In my opinion they need to give a larger surface area to the bit of the strap that fits behind the neck. A larger pad there would make the strap more comfortable. That’s nitpicking but I am a reviewer after all!

Check out their shower strap here

Bathmate Hydromax Review
Use a ruler rather than the measuring stickers

The design of the Bathmate Hydromax and the other pumps, mean that you are compressing a softer silicone material against your body. It expands and compresses, depending on how hard you are pressing down on it and how far it has been pumped. Therefore, the measuring sticker means nothing. Because if the length of the pump itself is changing every time you use it, so is the length of the ruler.

The fact that there is a ruler on all these pumps has baffled me ever since my first Hydromax review.

In my opinion, using the sticker ruler is a dangerous way to encourage people to measure their penises. It would be far better to develop an actual pressure gauge on the pump. For now there are no companies making gauges inside water pumps, however at least you can peel off the sticker showing the ruler from your Bathmate.

Bathmate Penis Measuring Ruler

As a work around, you should use a tape measure or ruler while using the Bathmate. This will ensure that you are getting an accurate reading of length, which is so important when pursuing penis extension. More importantly it means you can control the length you pump to as well.

The unfortunate thing about the Bathmate ruler is that the zero measurement isn’t at the very edge. Therefore when measuring my penis with the ruler I have to add about half an inch to the size, which isn’t ideal. I don’t like doing maths in the shower! It would be far better if the zero line began at the very end of the ruler (right on the edge).

During my first test, the Hydromax review, I used a fabric tape measure. The kind tailors use to measure you for clothes.

How big should I pump to?

Measure your fully erect penis and deduct half an inch from the measurement. Typically, you should never pump over half an inch below your usual erection size. After all, you are looking at your penis through water and it may be magnified, meaning you have already reached your size when it looks like you haven’t. If you pump more than this, you will risk injury.

I didn’t initially know this when I wrote my first Hydromax review. It was a saftey measure I learned about later on. The general rule is, if it is painful, you’re doing it wrong or need to pump less pressure.

You can break your penis using a penis pump

There have been Bathmate injuries before

A lot of other reviewers are irresponsible and will tell you that it isn’t possible to injure your penis with a Bathmate pump. That’s bullshit. It is totally possible to avoid injury, however you need to use your common sense. And by that I mean:


The Bathmate Hydromax and HydroXtreme are two of the most powerful water penis pumps you can buy. That in itself could be a negative thing depending on who you are. I have never injured myself and don’t think I ever will, however if you search online you will find people who claim that they injured themselves by over pumping. This isn’t just a Bathmate thing, it’s a penis pump thing.

Bathmate pump pressure warning

All Bathmate pumps are designed to reach safe maximum pressure ranges. Yet that doesn’t mean you can go straight to maximum pressure.

With traditional air penis pumps, most people recommend never using a pressure above 5hg / 0.17 bar on your penis.

During my Hydromax review, I found out it can reach a maximum pressure level of 12hg / 0.4 bar. That is a huge amount of pressure for a pump with no gauge inside it. However also know that Bathmate claim that 12hg of pressure is safe to use inside a water pump because the nature of the vacuum is more stable. In an air pump, using 12hg wouldn’t be advisable whereas in a water pump, it may be safe. I have not found an independent study proving that 12hg of pressure is safe to use inside a water pump. If you know of a study, please send it to me. The Hydroxtreme is even more powerful than the Hydromax, meaning it reaches above 12hg / 0.4 bar of pressure.

Indeed my biggest criticism during my Hydromax review was the lack of pressure gauge. That concern continued in my Hydroxtreme review too. I wasn’t so worried about it in my Hydro 7 review because it’s a far less powerful pump.

The Bathmate Hydro is the company’s least powerful pump. It would be more difficult to injure yourself with this pump for that reason, however, caution is still advised.

Bathmate penis sensitivity

Your penis will sometimes feel too sensitive for sex after using a Bathmate

After pumping with the Bathmate pumps, my penis would usually feel more sensitive afterwards. Sometimes the sensitivity prevented me from wanting to have sex because it would cause a small amount of pain. This wasn’t every time I used the pump but it happened.

This was more an issue during my Hydromax review. By the time I reviewed the Hydroxtreme and Hydro my penis had adapted a little. Yet my penis still gets very sensitive after a pumping session occasionally.

Happy penis carrot

When you get used to it, the pressure of a Bathmate feels nice

Yes, finally a positive! After I got used to the pressure during my Hydromax review, it felt great. You should never be in pain while using any of the Bathmate pumps so if you ever do feel pain, you’re overdoing it. For me the feeling is always quite nice, with every pump.

The fact that it feels nice was a major bonus to me when doing these Bathmate reviews. Other methods of penis extension don’t give any pleasure at all. For example, at the time of writing I am testing the Male Edge penis extender and there is no pleasure to be had there. Even jelquing isn’t very pleasurable when compared with a penis pump. To add even more pleasure, you can add the Hydrovibe (reviewed below – click here).

See the prices of Bathmate’s pumps

– 15% off if you sign up to the newsletter of the site I link to before ordering.

Penis size in carrots

Over half of Hydromax users report size gains

This statement can be applied to all Bathmate pumps as far as I’m concerned (particularly the Hydroxtreme). The quote comes from a Bathmate survey. I experienced significant size gains when doing my Hydroxtreme and Hydromax reviews (detailed below – click here).

OK so the carrot image above is a huge exaggeration of what you should expect with any form of penis extension 😉 After using the Bathmate pumps it’s definitely a nice thing to look at your penis and think “hey it’s bigger”. The pumped look was a huge turn-on for me and my girlfriend during my initial Hydromax review.

Your penis may feel a little plumper after using a Bathmate and can remain like that for a temporary period of time. It depends on how much you pumped as to how long it will last. As already stated, you should never overdo it to avoid injury. I overdid it during my Hydromax review and somtimes the pumped feeling would last 24 hours (though the actual size would reduce after about 2 hours).

Most Hydromax users report stronger erections

– Bathmate’s March 2020 Survey

In my opinion, the Hydromax works and so do the other Bathmate pumps. They work more slowly than I’d like but they work. The gains aren’t permanent but I will continue to get progressively bigger as I use the pumps. Some claim that penis length and thickness gains are permanent but from a lot of actual user accounts and my own tests, I have learned this isn’t exactly the case. If I want to keep my size gains, I have to keep using penis pumps. Only a very small proportion of my gains have ever stayed. Read more in my article “Are Bathmate Size Gains Permanent?”.

So does Bathmate work? In my opinion, yes definitely.

Bathmate customer service

Bathmate customer service is great

Seriously, they are great. I had a lot of questions during my first Hydromax review. I was a bit worried about annoying them with all the questions but they have always been super helpful and replied within 24 hours or so.

What I like about BM is that they encourage safe pumping practices, unlike the majority of other companies. Even when I asked Bathmate privately if 2 – 5 minutes is really the maximum time I should use a pump for before taking a break, they stuck to their safety first approach. After reading one my articles on this website, a Bathmate employee even contacted me and reminded me never to overdo it with the pumping. Genuinely excellent customer service.

Almost all other companies I have dealt with will promote unsafe pumping practices if asked in private. Not Bathmate, which is a major bonus to working with them. My Hydromax review could have ended badly if it weren’t for their good advice!

Two year warranty

bathmate 2 year warranty

Bathmate give a two year warranty with every pump they sell. That’s really awesome in case of broken parts. Though to be honest, I own all three pumps and they have never broken so far.

My Bathmate Gains Diary

After 2 months, 81% reported better erections or larger penises.

A Bathmate Survey

While doing the Bathmate Hydromax review, I kept a highly detailed diary for 2 months to test the claim above. The diary contains information on how long I used the Bathmate, how many times and what size changes I had over time. Additionally, I also tested what happens after I discontinue use of the pump for 1.5 months.

To summarise, the length changes were not permanent for me. However the girth gains at least partially stayed. I knew this because long after the Hydromax review condoms that used to fit me no longer do.

After the Hydromax review, I tested the Bathmate Hydroxtreme and Hydro. Like for my original test, I gave each pump 2 months of testing time. Below are the results and links to my detailed diaries.

Please note, the order I did these tests in makes a big difference. Had I tested either the Hydroxtreme or Hydro first, my gains would have been higher with those pumps. I happened to do the Hydromax review first, which means my initial gains using that were higher.

See my complete Bathmate Gains Diary

Penis size after each 2 month test


Bathmate Hydromax 7 x35 Penis Pump

1st pump tested

+0.65 inches in length

+0.1 inches in girth

Link to detailed diary


Bathmate HydroXtreme Penis Pump

3rd pump tested

+0.4 inches in length

+0.3 inches in girth

Link to detailed diary


bathmate hydro 7

4th pump tested

No change to length

+0.1 inches in girth

Link to detailed diary

You’ll notice above the 2nd pump I tested is missing. That’s because the 2nd pump I tested was of a different brand’s pump, which I don’t recommend as highly. I used to have a full (and positive) review of the other brand’s pump on this website but I had to take it down due to a huge amount of spam I was getting on the article. If you want to know more about it then you can contact me privately… but long story short, I prefer the Bathmate pumps.

During my Hydromax review, I overpumped to be honest and I don’t recommend you do the same. I was following the advice of idiots on the internet. Avoid taking advice from people who recommend unsafe practices.

With the other Bathmate pumps (the Hydroxtreme and Hydro), I used them 3 – 4 times per week for 10 minutes at each session. I entered the pumps flaccid each time and on some weeks forgot to use it or only used it once.

See my complete Bathmate Gains Diary

Differences between Bathmate pumps


I wasn’t aware during my initial Hydromax review but each Bathmate valve is designed differently. The Bathmate Hydro’s valve is the most basic because it doesn’t lock shut before the vacuum is sealed. This is actually quite similar to the way Penomet’s pump works (a competitor to Bathmate).

hydro vs hydromax valve

The Bathmate Hydromax valve is similar to the Hydro’s. However if you click and look closely at the image above, it is different. The Hydromax’s valve parts are slightly smaller. The Hydromax’s valve also clicks shut, which is convenient when filling it with water.

Bathmate HydroXtreme Penis Pump Parts

The Hydroxtreme’s valve is the most different. It closes shut like the Hydromax, however it has a twisting control to close it. The valve also allows the hand pump to be attached (the handpump isn’t compatible with any other pump).

The winner here is obviously the Hydroxtreme because it allows the addition of a hand pump. All Bathmate pumps release pressure a little too quickly for my liking. That’s the only advantage the other brand has in this area (it releases pressure more slowly).

I prefer to release pressure slowly to avoid bruising. It is possible with Bathmate’s pumps, however they have been designed to release pressure quickly. I guess that’s better for saftey anyway (incase of an emergency).

In the first week of my Hydromax review, I noticed the physical effects of releasing pressure too quickly. I had a tiny amount of discolouring, though it went away after a couple of hours. Some users who released pressure too quickly had worse bruising. So always release pressure slowly if you can!

See the current prices of Bathmate pumps
– you’ll get 15% off if you sign up to the newsletter first

Included Bathmate Accessories

Both the Hydroxtreme standard kit and the Ultra male kit comes with a lot of accessories.

I have detailed these accessories in the dedicated Hydroxtreme review below. You wouldn’t really need much else if you buy the Hydroxtreme.

The Hydromax comes with a comfort pad but that is it. The Bathmate Hydro only comes with the pump.

hydro on the bathmate hydroxtreme
Bathmate Penis Measuring Ruler
Bathmate Shower Strap Ruler

Note though that you can buy a variety of accessories that are compatible with most if not all pumps. For example the Hydrovibe (a pump vibrator) can be used with all of Bathmate’s penis pump models.

The Bathmate shower strap can be used on any of Bathmate’s pumps.

Pumping style

The pumping style of the Bathmate Hydromax and Hydro 7 are very similar. You fill them with water and place them over your penis. Then you simply compress the silicone gaiters against your body repeatedly until the pump seals.

The only difference between the Bathmate Hydro and Hydromax is that the silicone of the Hydro is slightly softer. The Hydromax is still comfortable, however the silicone is stronger (this is part of what gives it the extra power).

The Bathmate Hydroxtreme can be used in the same way as the other two. However it adds an additional pumping style, which is my favourite. That is the hand pump style. This is a much easier pumping experience. You fill the pump with water, place it against your body and then just press the hand pump. It’s easier, faster and feels better.

Comfort pads

Bathmate and another brand’s gaiters compared

Honestly, I prefer to use the pumps without comfort pads. After the first few sessions of my Hydromax review, I put its comfort pad aside. Some people with more sensitive skin might appreciate them though. The Bathmate Hydroxtreme and Hydromax have very similar comfort pads.

The comfort pads make the pump’s surface area bigger and so it won’t mark your skin as much. They also make the pumps seal a little more awkwardly though (bigger surface area = less grip).

The Bathmate Hydro has a comfort pad, however it is made of foam, which is porous. The foam will need to be replaced every now and again, because you can’t fully clean it. It is actually very comfortable though and allows for a better seal than the Hydromax and Hydroxtreme’s fancier silicone comfort pads.

The gaiters on the other brand’s pumps are modular. This allows you to change the pump’s strength. The silicone gaiters go from very light and comfortable, to very thick and uncomfortable. The modular approach is interesting but after trying it, I still prefer just using a Bathmate. The other brand’s pumps don’t feel as solid because of the fact that you can remove the gaiters.

General size of Bathmate 7 Pumps

bathmate vs penomet
Click to enlarge

If you click the image above, you will see a large picture of the Bathmate 7 pumps and Penomet’s pump. I have drawn lines across the image to allow you to see the size difference between them.

If you pay attention, you’ll notice there are differences between each pump. They all support the same size penis but their build size varies slightly.

My Bathmate Hydromax Review

Bathmate Hydromax Review

Score: 7.5 / 10

Reviewer: Adam Rouge

This section concerns just my Bathmate Hydromax Review (I continue to review the other pumps separately further down). If you didn’t already read my general critique of Bathmate pumps further up this page, I recommend you check that out too. Because of the large amount of general comments already made, this Hydromax review will be a little more short and specific.

The size I reviewed was the Bathmate Hydromax 7 (formally Hydromax x35). That means if your penis size falls within the 5 – 7 inch range, this Hydromax review is perfect for you. Yet to be honest, this will apply no matter the size you require.

I bought the transparent Hydromax with the Bathmate shower strap. I opted for the transparent pump because I wanted to be able to see the colour of my penis as I was pumping. This makes it easier to spot penis bruising or red spots that are sometimes a problem with penis pumps like this. Later on I was very happy I decided to go with the transparent pump and later got the same transparent colour for other pumps I owned.

During the first few sessions of my Hydromax review I overdid it a bit. The transparency of the pump allowed me to see tiny blood vessels create red spots. If I had the coloured pumps I may not have been able to see that and reduce the pressure in time to prevent more appearing. The red dots went away after a few days.

The Hydromax feels very robust and I think it would be difficult to break accidentally. The pump comes with an instruction manual that you definitely need to take the time to read to avoid injuring your penis.

Bathmate Hydromax Gallery

Hydromax Review: Bath vs Shower vs Air

While doing my Hydromax review I tested it in the bath, shower and with no water. It works great in the bath, I really wish I owned one. The Hydromax performs fine in the shower too, though it will take some getting used to.

Without water, the Hydromax doesn’t really seal well enough for me. I did get it to work successfully. However if you want a Hydro pump really great at air pumping, choose the Hydroxtreme instead.

Gains after 2 month Hydromax Review

In case you missed it above, at the end of my two month Hydromax review I got the following gains.

+0.65 inches in length
+0.1 inches in girth

Conclusion on the Hydromax

In my opinion, the Bathmate Hydromax really does work. It makes my penis bigger and thicker. However it takes too much time for me and using it in the shower is impractical. I don’t like spending so much time in the shower. The pump doesn’t have a gauge which is something I would like to have to reduce the risk of injury. For me personally the design also doesn’t seal easily enough on the skin, especially in the shower.

The Hydromax is a really decent penis pump and you can’t really go wrong by getting it. I much prefer the Hydromax to others I’ve tried. However, there are significant advantages to Bathmate’s best model, the Hydroxtreme. Overall though, my Hydromax review was a success! Don’t forget to check out my separate gains diary.

You can see the Hydromax range here.

Bathmate Hydromax

Score: 7.5 / 10

Reviewer: Adam Rouge

Performance Scoring

Material and design

6 / 10

Desire to use again in future

7 / 10


8 / 10

With the shop I’m linking to, you will get 15% off if you sign up to their Newsletter first.

Bathmate HydroXtreme Review

Bathmate HydroXtreme Penis Pump

Score: 9 / 10

Reviewer: Adam Rouge

After my initial Hydromax review, Bathmate got in touch to send me their Bathmate HydroXtreme for review (formally Bathmate Hydromax Xtreme). They sent me the product for free in return for a non-biased review.

Hydroxtreme Gallery

This review is about the standard HydroXtreme 7 kit. So let’s start with what’s included with it:

  1. Bathmate HydroXtreme 7 Penis Pump
  2. Hand pump and attaching pipe
  3. Comfort pad
  4. Penis measuring ruler
  5. Shower strap
  6. Small towel
  7. Cleaning kit
  8. Padlock
  9. Large black fabric case
  10. Small samples of cleaning and jelquing fluid
Bathmate HydroXtreme Penis Pump Unboxing

As I pulled everything out, I kept saying “wow” to my partner Eve. I didn’t realise that the HydroXtreme comes with so much. Before this, I had only tested the HydroMax which doesn’t include nearly as much.

Unboxing the Hydroxtreme:

Not pictured but also included in the Hydroxtreme kit is a sachet of jelq serum, cleaning spray and a user guide.

Note about a more premium option

Shortly after I finished this 2 month test, Bathmate released another more premium package to the version I tested. It is known as the Ultimate Male Kit and with that you also get:

  • Body hair trimming kit
  • HydroVibe (separate review here)
  • Several special cock rings
  • Bigger pots of cleaning fluid etc
  • A guidebook
  • An even better case to keep it all in

This is just for your info because this article is about the standard kit listed earlier. Anyway, back to the review.

HydroXtreme Accessories

All of the accessories included with the HydroXtreme are very useful. The padlock ensures your friends and family won’t discover your penis pump. The cleaning kit is essential so that you avoid penis infections after using a dirty pump (trust me, it sucks when that happens). That little towel is also quite useful. Why? Because you will be spending more time in the shower than usual. Having a small towel to dry your hand before using your phone will actually be very useful. I’ll talk about the hand pump later on, because it deserves its own section.

Bathmate HydroXtreme Penis Pump Comfort Pad
HydroXtreme and its comfort pad

The comfort pad that comes with the HydroXtreme actually seals against my body (Hydromax’s rarely would). The comfort pad makes pressing the pumps against your body more comfortable. Personally, I don’t use them after I first test them because it gives me one less thing to clean! With the hand-pump attached, the Hydroxtreme is comfortable enough on its own too.

The accessories are all great (incl. the new shower strap) but I believe the ruler could be better. I already discussed this earlier.

Timer for Bathmate Pump

There is one thing that Bathmate should consider adding to their already impressive range of accessories with the Xtreme. A timer. It would be really great to have a timer suitable for use in a wet environment. Using my phone to time sessions while also trying not to splash it with water is a pain in the ass.

More details on Hydroxtreme

HydroXtreme’s Hand Pump

Really, it is the hand pump on the Bathmate HydroXtreme that makes it stand out from all other water pumps. If you have used other bellows pumps against your body, like the Hydromax, then you’ll know they can be uncomfortable. With a hand pump, the pumping process is far more efficient.

In my Hydromax review, I wrote about how much of a pain in the ass it was to get used to it. I kept accidentally spilling the water out and causing myself pain. With the HydroXtreme, I never have any discomfort and can create a vacuum more rapidly. The Bathmate HydroXtreme is by far the most comfortable bellows penis pump I have used. This is because the hand pump makes pressing it against my body unnecessary.

The hand pump can be attached in two different ways:

Bathmate HydroXtreme Hand pump
With the pipe.
Bathmate HydroXtreme Handpump
With the handpump alone.

Can you use the Hydroxtreme without water? Yes you can!

Sure, the Hydro and Hydromax claim to be usable outside of water. Yet in practice, those pumps don’t do air pumping well. The hand pump on the HydroXtreme makes pumping without water far easier.

Sometimes I use the pump while in bed and find it very easy with the hand pump. This enabled me to be far more regular with my pumping which is crucial. As with people who do physical exercise, consistency is everything. If you can’t stay consistent then your results won’t be as good. I still take breaks every now and again from pumping. But yeah, being able to pump outside of the shower is a big bonus for me.

The Handpump is unique to the Bathmate HydroXtreme

You cannot buy the hand pump separately. Even if you can, it will fit neither the Hydromax or Hydro pumps. This is because the HydroXtreme’s valve is designed specifically for the pipe attachment. As far as I know, there is no other water pump that you can get with a hand pump.

Conclusion on the HydroXtreme

The Bathmate HydroXtreme is by far the most impressive penis pump I have used. It is comfortable, easy to use and like the Hydromax it increased the size of my penis. So does this Bathmate work? Yes it does! In two months, I gained 0.4 inches in length and 0.3 inches in girth.

Consistency is easier with the HydroXtreme

With the hand pump on the Xtreme, it is easier to use the pump outside of the shower. So it is no longer necessary for me to take long showers every time I want to pump. For me this means more consistency. I find it easier to stick to a regular routine with the Bathmate HydroXtreme than with other pumps.

As you may have read above, I didn’t keep a perfect routine. I had some breaks. It’s possible I would have had more Bathmate success had I stuck better to my routine!

It’s not perfect

As always, I wish these pumps would contain a pressure gauge instead of a useless ruler on the side. I also wish Bathmate would make releasing pressure slowly from the valve easier. I also think the external ruler needs to be improved so that the zero measure starts at the edge.

That being said, I strongly recommend the Bathmate HydroXtreme if you are shopping for a new penis pump. Don’t let the word ‘Xtreme’ scare you off. For me this pump is actually far more comfortable to use than the Hydromax (the model down from this one).

The price difference between the Hydromax and HydroXtreme is substantial. Is it worth it? Well it really depends on where your financial priorities lie. If you have the money to spend, the HydroXtreme is totally worth it. It is a joy to use and for me the difference in experience is good enough to pay that much extra. The accessory bundle is also a big bonus. As I’ve eluded to it could be improved, however I consider the Bathmate HydroXtreme the best water pump currently available.

Check the Hydroxtreme’s Price

Bathmate HydroXtreme

Score: 9 / 10

Reviewer: Adam Rouge

Performance Scoring

Material and Design

8 / 10

Desire to use again in the future

9 / 10


9 / 10

On the site I’m linking to, you’ll get 15% off your first order if you sign up to their newsletter first.

Review of the Bathmate Hydro 7

bathmate hydro 7

Score: 6.5 / 10

Reviewer: Adam Rouge

After trying the company’s best, I finally decided to review the Bathmate Hydro. The Hydro doesn’t cost mega-bucks and has a low enough price to be accessible by everyone. So the real question this review asks is, can the Bathmate Hydro still improve your erections and potentially increase your penis size?

Like with the company’s other pumps, I did a two month test of the Hydro. In terms of gains, this test was slightly unfair on the pump. I had already tested three other water pumps, so my penis had already grown quite a lot. Therefore my gains using the Hydro weren’t as large as if I had started with it as my first penis pump.

The build quality of the Bathmate Hydro is still very good. The top end of the pump good easily be mistaken for a Hydromax (though it is in fact different). It is the bottom of the Hydro pump that looks a little different. The pattern on the silicone bellows gaiter is slightly different to the other pumps and the comfort pad is more basic.

Is the Bathmate Hydro powerful enough?

As I already mentioned, the Hydro is Bathmate’s least powerful pump. I didn’t think I would notice the drop in pressure while using the Hydro, yet I did. The pump is considerably less powerful than the other two models. Therefore I found myself pumping more times in order to get an adequate pressure.

The major advantage of the Hydro’s reduced pumping power is that this penis pump is perfect for beginners. It is also great for anyone who is worried about injuring their penis. While caution is still advised, I can pump to maximum pressure with the Hydro and not feel like I am in danger (keep in mind that I am used to more powerful pumps though).

Advanced users of penis pumps like me may not be entirely satisfied with the power of the Hydro. It can still maintain my gains and give me the ‘pumped’ feeling. Yet there is a ceiling with the potential of the Hydro, whereas there isn’t with the same company’s other two pumps.

Conclusion on the Bathmate Hydro

The Bathmate Hydro is a perfect penis pump for beginners. I recommend it to anyone who is going to be trying a pump for the first time. The pressure level of the Hydro is quite safe so the chance of injury while using it is lower than with the other pumps. If you are nervous about unsafe pressure levels or think you need to allow your penis adaption time, get the Hydro.

The price difference between the Hydro and Hydromax is not that big. Some of you will be very tempted to just go for the slightly more expensive pump. That’s what I did and had I not been a sex toy reviewer, I would have probably never needed another penis pump. So that’s something worth thinking about. Be aware though that if you are a beginner, you need to be far more careful with the more powerful Hydromax pump.

I would not recommend the Hydro to any advanced users. While I enjoyed testing the Hydro for the benefit of my readers, I won’t be using it again after this test. After all of the other penis pumps I have used, the Hydro isn’t really powerful enough for me. Again, that is because I am advanced. Initially, beginner’s need to avoid using the high pressures that I am used to.

Check Hydro 7’s Price

Bathmate Hydro

Score: 6.5 / 10

Reviewer: Adam Rouge

Performance Scoring

Material and Design

6 / 10

Desire to use again in the future

5 / 10


4 / 10

Bathmate pump sizes

My Bathmate pump size is 7, which means that like most people I am able to use all three models. Hydromax 7 and Hydroxtreme 7 is for penises with an erect length of 5 – 7 inches. The cheaper Bathmate Hydro also supports this size. Below are guides on the Hydromax and Hydroxtreme pump sizes.

A basic guide of which pump you can use based on your erect penis size:

  • If you are 5 – 7 inches when erect, you can use any Bathmate pump model.
  • If you have a penis below 5 inches, you can use the Hydromax or Hydroxtreme.
  • If your erect length is between 7 – 9 inches you can use the Hydromax or Hydroxtreme.
  • If you have micropenis syndrome, you can use the Hydromax.
  • If you have a penis of over 9 inches in erect length, you can only use the Hydroxtreme.

How to measure your penis and figure out which pump size to buy

It’s essential to make sure you enter accurate measurements for your erect length and girth because Bathmate pumps are built for particular sizes. The is in contrast to Penomet, who have a one size fits all pump.

To measure your erect penis length, press a ruler or tape measure slightly into your pubic bone and measure to the end. By your pubic bone, I mean the bit above your penis. If you have a foreskin, make sure you pull it back slightly while measuring (your foreskin doesn’t count).

When measuring your penis girth / circumference, it’s best to use a fabric tape measure. If you don’t have one of these, you could use some string or paper to wrap around your penis. Then just make a mark on the string/paper and measure it with a ruler when it’s flat. It’s really simple and doesn’t take very long. If you’re going to buy a Bathmate, it’s something you have to do!

When your done measuring you can figure out which pumps are compatible for your size below. Note that you need to buy the pump based on what size you have now and not size you want to obtain.

These measurements are for your erect penis size, not your flaccid size.

Pumps for 1 – 3 inch penises (2.54 – 7.62cm)

Bathmate currently has one pump for micro-penises. It’s based on the same design that I first reviewed (the Hydromax). As it is the same model, I can vouch for its quality!

Bathmate Hydromax 3 ($129.99 / £79.99 / €89.95)

Pumps for 3 – 5 inch penises (7.62 – 12.7cm)

Bathmate Hydromax 5 ($139.99/ £89.99 / €99.95)

Bathmate Hydroxtreme 5 ($249.99 / £169.99 / €199.95)

Pumps for 5 – 7 inch penises (12.7 – 17.7cm):

Most people are between 5 – 7 inches when erect. That’s the average size. This is certainly where I fall, so if you happen to be average in length too then all of the pumps I reviewed on this page are relevant to you 😉

Bathmate Hydro 7 – ($109.99 / £69.99 / €79.95) This is the cheapest model, which I reviewed on this page.

Bathmate Hydromax 7 – ($159.99 / £99.99 / €114.95) This is the mid-range model that I reviewed.

Bathmate Hydroxtreme 7 – ($299.99 / £189.99 / €224.95) This is the higher end model that I tested.

Pumps for 7 – 9 inch penises (17.7 – 22.9cm)

Certainly above average at this size already but Bathmate has two pumps for this size. The Hydromax and Hydroxtreme 9. As you can see above, I tested both of these in the size below, so I can vouch for their quality, especially the Hydroxtreme 9.

Bathmate Hydromax 9 ($199.99 / £129.99 / €149.95)

Bathmate Hydroxtreme 9 ($349.99 / £219.99 / €249.95)

Pumps for over 9 inch penises (22.9cm and above)

Well, over 9 inches is definitely well beyond average but Bathmate still has a pump for you. It’s in their Hydroxtreme model and is pretty expensive… probably because at this size, there probably aren’t a lot of people buying it!

Bathmate Hydroxtreme 11 ($375)

Bathmate Hydromax pump sizes

Bathmate Hydromax pump sizes

Here is a guide to the pump sizes available for the Hydromax, illustrated by carrots. Each pump size is a different price and the size relates to your erect length. You need to buy the penis pump that corresponds with your size.

The Hydromax supports big penises, thick penises and micro penises. So most people in the world can use a Hydromax. That’s why I originally chose to review the Hydromax rather than the other two.

Bathmate HydroXtreme pump sizes

The HydroXtreme comes in six sizes. Bathmate recently released a micro-penis sized Hydroxtreme pump for certain countries.

Hydroxtreme pump sizes (note the micro-penis version not included because I made this before it was avail)

Bathmate shipping process

bathmate discrete packaging
These are the boxes that arrive – very discrete

The shipping of every Bathmate pump I ever had was rapid. They all arrived in discrete packaging. A very good thing because my next-door neighbour received the Hydroxtreme parcel for me! He had no idea there was a penis pump in it (thank god).

Inside the discrete box that contains all Bathmate pumps, you’ll find another box with bold graphic design and branding from Bathmate.

Bonus! Bathmate Hydrovibe Review

Have you ever thought, “I like my Bathmate but I wish I could make it vibrate?” Me too. That’s why I decided to review the Hydrovibe, a dual vibrator that fits onto all Bathmate pumps.

Physical details

Bathmate Hydrovibe

The Hydrovibe is a black silicone ring with two large bullet vibrators at opposite sides. Obviously everything about it is waterproof because it is designed to be used with BM’s Hydro penis pumps.

The diametre of the Hydrovibe is perfect for fitting over most Bathmate pumps. The only one it doesn’t fit over is the massive Hydroxtreme 11. There is only a small percentage of people who buy that pump though, so for most of us, the Hydrovibe fits perfectly.

Bathmate’s Vibrators

The Vibrators themselves are also sold separately to the full Hydrovibe kit. They are known as the BM Vibe Bullet Vibrators and come in both silver and black. The bullet vibrators function like any other, meaning you can use them for anything. They can even be used for clitoral orgasms.

The vibrators have 10 different vibrating patterns which vary in intensity. They are quite powerful and rumbly vibrators. They have to be, because the vibrations need to penetrate one layer of silicone, a layer of plastic plus the water surrounding the penis.

The two bullet vibrators are also rechargeable, meaning that I didn’t have to worry about buying batteries (which I really hate doing)!

bathmate bullet vibe

I also tested the Bathmate black bullet vibrator (pictured above and sold separately) and found it to be as effective as the Hydrovibe bullets. The black bullet actually made my girlfriend climax when I used it on her clit.

How does the Bathmate Hydrovibe feel?

The vibrations coming from the Hydrovibe feel very pleasant but subtle. I mentioned earlier that the bullet vibrators of the Hydrovibe are powerful. However they still have to penetrate a couple of different layers, plus the water inside the pump. By the time the vibrations reach my penis they are quite light.

To be honest, I wouldn’t want the Hydrovibe to be anymore powerful than it already is. The goal while using it is not to climax inside the penis pump. It is to enhance the experience and improve bloodflow.

The Hydrovibe feels the same on every pump. That’s because each of Bathmate’s three pumps has very similar plastic widths and densities.

Hydrovibe cures the boredom of using penis pumps

Using a penis pump every couple of days gets very boring. You find yourself standing in the shower, waiting for your timer to go off before removing the pump. Sure, I can use my phone etc while waiting but it is still boring.

The Hydrovibe introduces a novelty to penis pumping that is much needed. While it doesn’t cure all boredom, it does create enough pleasure for me to be more patient. While it is fitted to a pump, you can think of the Hydrovibe like a massager rather than a sex toy. It is unlikely to bring you to climax inside the pump however it will still feel very good.

Will the Hydrovibe help with your gains and penis extension?

The Hydrovibe itself will not give you more gains. I haven’t found it to enhance my penis growth or anything like that. It is just a pump vibrator, so that isn’t surprising.

Where the Hydrovibe will help you in terms of gains etc is regularity / consistency. As I already mentioned, using penis pumps gets boring fast. You have to use them regularly to keep your gains, so the time spent pumping can get annoying.

Using the Hydrovibe means that I am getting a small massage while using my BM penis pumps. This encourages me to use the pumps with more consistency, which is really key to gains.

So there you go, the Hydrovibe won’t directly improve the performance of your pump. However it will make you happier to use the pump on a regular basis (which is what you need to be doing).

Conclusion on the Bathmate Hydrovibe

fitting the bathmate hydrovibe

The Hydrovibe is a pretty awesome deal if you own a BM penis pump. The cost of it is the same as most high end bullet vibrators on the market. However the Hydrovibe comes with two bullet vibrators, plus the silicone ring that fits around the pumps. So in my view you are getting really good value for money. Bathmate is a high end product, so it actually surprises me that the Hydrovibe is at such an affordable price.

You shouldn’t expect the Hydrovibe to make your pump work more effectively. It won’t make your pump extend your penis more than it usually would. What it does do is give you more incentive to continue using your penis pump regularly. In that way, it does indirectly influence your gains. But let’s be real here. It is still a vibrator, so don’t expect much more than that.

I would recommend the Hydrovibe to any Bathmate users who are looking for ways to make their pumping experience better. It is a great product to make your pumping less boring and give you more novelty. I would have certainly appreciated it during my first Hydromax review!

The Hydrovibe is totally suitable for beginners. There has been one person in the past who told me that they have problems ejaculating inside their Bathmate pump. So if you have an oversensitive penis, be aware that the Hydrovibe will stimulate your penis more. For the majority of people though, the Hydrovibe will simply offer a nice massage.

Check price for Bathmate Hydrovibe

How to clean a Bathmate Pump

bathmate accessories cleaning
Bathmate Clean (Left)

You have to be sure to clean these pumps after every single use. Not just with water but also with a sex toy cleaner. Believe me, it isn’t nice to get a bacterial infection on your penis because of bad pump cleaning. I’ve had those infections several times. The first was during my Hydromax review because I didn’t clean the pump thouroughly enough. It sucks when it happens because the tip of your penis can be irritated for several days, which means time off pumping and sex. So always clean pumps thoroughly!

Lovehoney sells a great sex toy cleaner that is compatible with Bathmate pumps, I highly recommend it. I use it to clean all of my other sex toys too.

Ease of cleaning for each pump

Bathmate HydroXtreme Penis Pump Parts

The HydroXtreme comes in 4 parts (pictured above); the pump cylinder, the comfort pad, the hand pump pipe and the hand pump itself. If you don’t clean your pump properly and thoroughly you will end up getting an infection, so it is very important to clean every part of the pump every time you use it. With four parts to clean it takes longer to clean the HydroXtreme. Plus you cannot physically open the handpump itself so you have to leave it somewhere to dry properly for several hours.

The Hydromax comes in two parts; the pump cylinder and the comfort pad (if you use it). Therefore it is quicker and easier to clean the Hydromax. Not only that but the Hydromax also dries quicker (due to the lack of hand pump).

The Hydro comes in just one part. It is quick to clean. However the foam comfort pad is porous and therefore can never be 100% cleaned. You need to replace the comfort pad of the Hydro every so often so that it doesn’t go bad.

HydroXtreme cleaning time: up to 5 minutes
HydroXtreme drying time: At least half a day, maybe more in winter.

Hydromax & Hydro cleaning time: 1 – 2 minutes
Hydromax & Hydro drying time: A couple of hours at the most

Note drying times will vary depending on the temperature and climate you live in.

Conclusion on Bathmate Pumps

Well folks, that’s all my Bathmate reviews. I’ve tested them all and this has been one hell of a review to write. I’m happy to report that all of Bathmate’s pumps work. The gains I had during my first test (the Hydromax review) were probably the most impressive. Yet if I had used the Hydroxtreme as my first water pump, the results probably would have been even better.

My favourite Bathmate review to do was with the Hydroxtreme. In my opinion that is the best penis pump money can buy. It isn’t perfect and I hope one day a company (maybe Bathmate) makes a pump with a pressure gauge. A pressure gauge is the only thing that the Hydroxtreme is missing.

The Hydromax is a very effective pump too. If it weren’t for the fact that I am a sex toy reviewer, I would never have done more Bathmate reviews. That’s because the Hydromax works just fine.

The Bathmate Hydro is a great beginner’s pump, however I feel like you will grow out of it within a year. You can still make gains with the Hydro beyond one year however. The power is noticably lower and there is a ceiling with gains there I believe.

There is a considerable price difference between the Hydromax and Hydroxtreme. I believe the price is worth it but if you are on more of a budget or have other priorities, the Hydromax is still a great penis pump to buy. I had some good gains from the Hydromax.

As for the accessories, I’d say collect them as you feel like you need them. I personally wouldn’t have bought a Hydrovibe when I first bought a pump. It is something that is great to have later on though. The only accessories worth getting straight away is a cleaning kit and ruler to measure with. I hardly ever use the shower strap but some people like it.

Check prices of Bathmate pumps

Bathmate Prices and Where To Buy

I suggest you use Lovehoney to buy Bathmate pumps because they are a well known and respected online sex store that ships all over the World. What’s also great with Lovehoney is that they usually have a lot of customer reviews from people like you, plus they stock a lot of other cool things that you might be interested in buying. The best thing about Lovehoney though is that at the moment, if you sign up to their newsletter you get 15% off your first order, which means that you get a 15% discount on whatever pump you choose to buy.

DO NOT buy the pumps from websites like Amazon, Ebay and AliExpress, because there are a lot of rip-offs around. Also be aware that there are A LOT of fake Bathmate store websites around. You’re better off trusting a well known online store like Lovehoney.

Note that if you don’t want to shop at Lovehoney, there are a few other options here for you. Perhaps you’ll even find the pumps cheaper at one of these. I work with all of the shops I mention and know that they are trustworthy:

USA / Canada

Bathmate products at Peepshow Toys

Bathmate products at Shevibe

UK / Europe

Bathmate products at Sinful UK

You might find the prices I have below changed by the time you read this. The price doesn’t usually change a lot though, so this table still gives you a good guide as to how much they cost.

Check latest prices at Lovehoney here

Prices below may have changed by the time you see them, please click the button above to see the latest prices. These are based on Lovehoney’s pricing, which is usually among the lowest (particularly when you take into account the 15% discount after you sign up to their newsletter).

Pump sizesBathmate HydroBathmate HydromaxBathmate HydroXtreme
Up to 3 inches

Bathmate Hydro


Bathmate Hydromax

£79.99 (GBP)
$129.99 (USD)

Bathmate HydroXtreme


Up to 5 inches

Bathmate Hydro


Bathmate Hydromax

£89.99 (GBP)
$139.99 (USD)
€99.95 (EUR)

Bathmate HydroXtreme

£169.99 (GBP)
$249.99 (USD)
€199.95 (EUR)

5 – 7 inches

Bathmate Hydro

£69.99 (GBP)
$109.99 (USD)
€79.95 (EUR)

Bathmate Hydromax

£99.99 (GBP)
$159.99 (USD)
€114.95 (EUR)

Bathmate HydroXtreme

£189.99 (GBP)
$299.99 (USD)
€224.95 (EUR)

5 – 7 inches (extra wide)

Bathmate Hydro


Bathmate Hydromax

£119.99 (GBP)
$179.99 (USD)
€134.95 (EUR)

Bathmate Hydroxtreme


7 – 9 inches

Bathmate Hydro


Bathmate Hydromax

£129.99 (GBP)
$199.99 (USD)
€149.95 (EUR)

Bathmate HydroXtreme

£219.99 (GBP)
$349.99 (USD)
€246.95 (EUR)

Over 9 inches

Bathmate Hydro


Bathmate Hydromax


Bathmate HydroXtreme

$375 (USD)

Check Bathmate pump prices here

This page contains affiliate links and if you use them I will get a small commission, which helps me keep writing articles for you on this website. Running a website such as this one takes a lot of time and money and affiliation is the main way we fund what we do. It doesn’t change the price for you to use our links… it just lets the shops know we sent you! So if you use our affiliate links, it really helps us!

The statements and opinions expressed herein are not made by and should not be attributed to DX Products. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the authors alone.

Follow Adam Rouge:


  • Justin says:

    I used this pump according to the directions, never going over the 15 minute mark, taking intermittent breaks, on and off for about a 6 months. I started noticing less and less sensation in my penis, so I immediately stopped using it. Fast forward about 5 years and I now have very little sensation and am nearly unable to achieve a hard erection without the use of the blue pill. As it worsened over time I finally had enough and scheduled appointments with my doctor and a team of urologists and a neurologists who ran a number of tests including an MRI. As it turns out I now have pudendal nerve entrapment which the doctors say could be a result of using this device. Please please PLEASE THINK TWICE before you order one of these pumps, because this is a condition that will only progress over time if untreated, and will essentially ruin your life, leaving you with no enjoyment and pleasure, and will certainly destroy your sexual confidence as a man. There’s no guarantee that sensation will return to anywhere close to where it was before, even after surgery.

    • Adam says:

      Hi Justin, thank you for taking the time to share your story and bad experience with pumping. Bad experiences are just as valuable to sites like this as positive ones. I don’t use the pumps any longer myself and don’t recommend using them for anything other than short-term novelty, because I’m concerned about the long-term risks (as I mention at the top of this article).

      I had to edit a small part of your comment for legal reasons but your message is still intact.

  • Alesk says:

    Couple of questions:

    Do you fill the pump to the brim with water? Or to what level?

    What do you mean when you state “you should never pump more than half an inch below your usual erection size” … how do you measure and what does that mean?

    Thanks for answering in the comments itself Justin as I am not using my real email. Apologies!

    • Adam says:

      1 – To the brim yes.

      2 – Measure your erect penis and deduct half an inch. That’s the maximum length you should pump to. It’s a safety measure against the magnification that water causes (what you see through water is distorted). I measured with a tape measure or ruler externally. Don’t trust the markings on the pump.

      • S says:

        Oh so we should measure our erect penis before each session, since in time our .5 inch less measurement will be increasing as our erect length gains?

        • Adam says:

          Personally I did quite a detailed length/girth change diary while I used the Bathmate pumps (especially for my first Hydromax test), though I didn’t necessarily measure in such detail for the purpose of deducting .5 an inch. Usually I measured shortly after pumping sessions and on certain days I measured both before and after. Having the data kept my vision of my penis in check. It’s a bit like people who take a photo of themselves in underwear every day after starting a workout program. It’s useful to do that because otherwise you don’t really remember where you started or how you progressed months later. No need to measure for every session though, once a week is enough (I did every day because I planned to write about it).

          I don’t think it’s necessary to measure before every session just to deduct .5 inch because the change in size will be very gradual anyway. The .5 inch less thing is already a safety net but measuring your erect length at least once a week isn’t a bad idea.

  • S says:

    I’m confused. If I measure at 6.25inch erect then that means I should only pump to 5.75inches since that’s .50 inch less?

    How do I know when I reached that in the pump? Do I need a ruler to measure outside the cylinder?

    I’m waiting for my pump to be delivered and I never pumped before, so I’m concerned if I understand how not to “over pump” myself. I bought the Bathmate 7 extreme.

    • Adam says:

      Yes exactly, that’s what I recommend to help you to avoid overpumping. Nothing is ever a guarantee of course but I never hurt myself after I started pumping .50 inch less. And yes, I also recommend holding a ruler on the outside because the ruler on the pump itself isn’t very useful seeing as the silicone bellows part at the end expands and contracts. Using the printed ruler on the pump is like having a ruler that changes length on you.

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